Nedeľa22. december 2024, meniny má Adela, zajtra Nadežda, Naďa

Kravu mali zabiť na bitúnku: Pred tragickým osudom ju zachránila deformácia! Pozrite, čo jej trčí z hlavy

(Zdroj: TikTok/uncleneilshome)

BRIDGETON - Zvieratá, rovnako ako ľudia, sa môžu narodiť s rôznymi deformitami, ako napríklad extra roh, kopyto či hlava. Nedávno sa takáto zmutovaná krava objavila v útulku v americkom New Jersey. Vďaka svojmu postihnutiu, paradoxne, unikla nezvratnému osudu, ktorý by ju inak čakal.

Azyl pre zvieratá Uncle Neil’s Home v meste Bridgeton v New Jersy začiatkom mesiaca privítal nového obyvateľa. Stala sa ním krava plemena Aberdeen-anguský skot menom Manny, ktorá sa narodila s extra nohou vyrastajúcou z jej čela. A práve to ju zachránilo pred porážkou, ktorá by ju inak čakala. 

@uncleneilshome UNH family, please welcome Manny 🐃🖤 He is the sweetest, most gentle giant in the whole world with eyes and a personality that will just melt you. Manny was rescued from a “beef” farm and has been living with us for a few weeks now 👇 A kind person became aware of Manny who was born and being raised on her friend’s “beef” farm. She had a feeling that the sl@ught3rh0use wouldn’t take him and sought out to see if she could rescue him instead. She reached out to us to see if we could take him in, and we said ‘yes’ and brought Manny home where he received immediate vet care to assess his condition, which is called Polymelia. More on that and his vet visit later. Here is what we’ve learned about Manny in the last few weeks: He LOVES bananas. He is, at first, skeptical about being brushed, but seems to really love it after a few moments of figuring out if he can trust us. He is gentle. He is affectionate. He is very curious about his new home and loves to MOOOO to the herd, especially to Pepe cow, from inside his quarantine stall. We love his perfect, sweet face and we thank you for your unwavering support that allowed us to say ‘yes’ to saving Manny in the first place ♥️ We’d like to especially thank our Herd Members (monthly supporters) who make it possible for us to care for our current and future residents on a daily basis. Herd Members- check your email (sent last night) for details about Manny’s rescue. LINK IN BIO TO JOIN THE HERD: More Manny updates are coming, like the specifics of his vet visit and x-rays. For now, please help us welcome Manny to sanctuary, to the start of the life that he has always deserved. We love you, Manny. Welcome home. #cow #cows #polymelia #animal #farm #animalrescue #angus ♬ original sound - Uncle Neil’s Home

Postihnutie, pri ktorom sa jedinec narodí s väčším počtom končatín, než je normálne, sa nazýva polymélia. Manny ale očividne neprekáža. V útulku je spokojná a podľa ošetrovateľov si rada pochutnáva na banánoch. 

@uncleneilshome When we brought Manny to sanctuary, the first thing we did was have our vet assess him. That included a fecal, bloodwork to ensure he’s healthy and to test for communicable illnesses, vaccines, and x-rays. Some of his bloodwork was abnormal, which we addressed immediately, and all testing for communicable illnesses came back negative! Manny has a form of Polymelia (extra limb) called Cephalomelia, which is when the limb is attached to the head. It is very rare, and seen commonly in Angus calves when it occurs. Our primary focus was determining if Manny’s health and quality of life are being/will be affected. From what we could see on his x-rays, the leg (which is a front leg!) is not attached to or invading anything dangerous in Manny’s head. Additionally, most calves don’t live a long time with Polymelia, and Manny is likely almost 3 years old. That tells us a lot in itself. He’s happy, healthy, asymptomatic, and this leads us to believe that the limb is simply cosmetic. We also sent his x-rays to the wonderful team at Cornell, and they agreed that if Manny is thriving, there is no reason to put him through any kind of surgery, or even through the five hour transport to Cornell to further investigate. We agree, and we won’t be removing the limb at present. Surgery is stressful, it’s risky, and it’s not necessary right now. BUT, if down the line this changes, we will absolutely re-address it and always keep Manny’s quality of life and health as the top priority. Manny is spectacular. He’s gentle, happy, so curious, loving, and LOOK AT THAT FACE. UGH! We adore him, and once his quarantine is complete, he’ll make some friends and really begin his new life in sanctuary. ❓Any other questions? Feel free to comment below and I’ll answer throughout the day! 🫂 Another huge THANK YOU to our Herd Members (monthly supporters) who made Manny’s rescue possible. Link to Join The Herd: #cow #cows #xray #polymelia ♬ original sound - Uncle Neil’s Home

Polymélia postihuje aj iné zvieratá, napríklad mačky, psov, prasce či dokonca vtáky. Zriedka sa objavuje i u ľudí, najmä v Ázii. 

Viac o téme: KravaDeformáciaPolymélia
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