Streda18. december 2024, meniny má Sláva, Slávka, zajtra Judita

FOTO Kedysi pastorka, dnes striptérka a bisexuálka (36): Žena prezradila, prečo opustila farnosť

(Zdroj: Instagram/mitchellnikole)

LOS ANGELES - Prísna výchova v baptistickej rodine Nikole Mitchellovej nezabránila tomu, aby sa úplne oslobodila a urobila obrovský zvrat vo svojom živote. Američanka síce svojimi rozhodnutiami šokuje okolie, no tvrdí, že dôležitejšie než predsudky je pre ňu to, že momentálne prežíva najkrajšie obdobie svojho života.

Od Nikole, ktorá vyrastala v hlboko veriacej rodine, sa očakávalo, že bude tichá, zdržanlivá a milá. Jej sny však neboli ani zďaleka také konzervatívne ako predstavy jej okolia. "Od mladého veku som snívala o tom, že budem striptérka. Moje túžby a moje telo sa zrodili preto, aby boli hriešne a zlé," hovorí trojnásobná matka.

Spomína, ako jej rodičia od útleho detstva vštepovali, že žena nemá o ničom rozhodovať a patrí do kuchyne k deťom. I keď to bolo v rozpore s jej vlastným presvedčením, napokon sa stala farárkou. V roku 2011 sa spolu s teraz už exmanželom začlenila do evanjelickej farnosti Woodland Hills v Minnesote, ktorá jej otvorila možnosť rodovej rovnosti. Krátko nato začala vykonávať kázne.


It was a year ago today that I embarked on a journey of full self-expression - & who knew that just shy of a year later my story would be picked up by the @NYPost & would go viral within 24 hours! Thousands of new followers ( hi!), getting close to almost 100 new Only Fans members (heyyy), new course students, 1:1 applicants, an invitation to be on Jimmy Kimmel again, & so much more!!! /// The lead-up to this didn’t happen overnight. I consistently showed up, put myself out there, took leaps of faith, left old identities, stepped into truer identities, invested in support, AND DID THE (INNER) WORK. I stayed the course even when I was scared. I trusted myself even when I felt crazy. I loved myself even when others didn’t. I held onto the vision I had for my life & I let that vision be bigger than all my fears. I tuned into that still small voice within me & let it be louder than all the opinions around me. I took inspired, aligned action & left all the “shoulds, oughts, and supposed to’s” behind me. And it all brought me to this point: Where I feel so safe to be me. Where I’m happy to be me. Where I’m free to be me. Where authenticity & integrity get to go hand in hand for me. Where my insides match my outsides. Where my joy matches my peace. Where my purpose meets my passion. Where my vision meets my everyday life. Where being me gets to be loved, supported, & always rewarded. This is what is most important. The fame & media attention gets to be the icing on the cake. /// My word for you tonight? >>>Trust the nudges in your heart<<< You can’t see the dots connecting going forward, but you see it all so clearly looking backward. Your job? Is to trust yourself. Step into the unknown. And let that tug lead you all the way home. You will not be disappointed. I promise. It is so, so worth it - & YOU are so deserving of it. Happy One Year Anniversary to me to living fully unleashed & expressed. Thank you to everyone who’s loved & supported me on this journey. I truly wouldn’t be here without you. So so grateful for you. Here’s to being the free humxns we were always born to be. Xoxo. Nikole: @wsierraphotography

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole),

Jej skutočná identita začala vychádzať na povrch v roku 2016, keď sa zúčastnila divadelného predstavenia orientovaného na komunitu LGBT. Táto udalosť vraj otriasla jej vnútorným svetom. O rok neskôr predniesla svoju poslednú víkendovú kázeň a opustila farnosť. Pár mesiacov nato zverejnila video, v ktorom priznala, že je bisexuálka a zároveň pansexuálka (príťažlivosť voči ľuďom bez ohľadu na ich pohlavie alebo rodovú rovnosť, pozn. red.). "Začala som na Instagrame sledovať manželku svojho kouča, ktorá sa venovala modelingu spodnej bielizne a veľmi ma to lákalo," uvádza Mitchellová. Zároveň si uvedomovala aj to, že sa chce hlbšie venovať svojim sexuálnym túžbam, tak sa prihlásila do kurzu s názvom "Sexpress You". Krátko nato sa nechala nafotiť nahá.


“I’m doing the best I can.” These words came tumbling out of my heart tonight as I stroked my 4yo’s face, with a tear managing to escape and slide down my cheek. I was snuggling him at bedtime tonight when he climbed on top of me and decided that that was the perfect spot to fall asleep. With his big toddler body sprawled on top of me and my arms caressing his face and arms, I started thinking about how he came as a surprise baby. He wasn’t planned AT ALL... but he or God or both of them decided he was meant to be here. So along he came, whether or not I wanted him to. Fast forward to tonight with him sleeping on my chest, and my heart so badly wanted him to know I’m doing the best I can. Parenting is hard. Parenting in the midst of a divorce is even harder. Parenting in the midst of a divorce while in a global pandemic... is unprecedented. This isn’t to garner pity in any way, but rather to share a glimpse into my human experience. I get tired. And I feel mom guilt. And there’s always this feeling that I’m not spending enough quality time with each of my kiddos. (because 24/7 during a pandemic isn’t enough?). So tonight, with my 4yo’s sleeping body on top of me, my heart yearned for him to know that I’m doing the best I can. I make mistakes. I yearn to do better. But this is the best I can do. And somehow I feel like this is a message for all of us. Because really, we’re all doing the best we can. We all wish we could better but what we’re doing is enough. It really is. So from one mama’s heart to all others, may you know you are enough, you’re doing enough, and it is all enough. Everything is going to be okay. Xoxo, The mom stuck under her 4yo’s sleeping body (Photo of my 4yo snuggling me at the beach yesterday and a video of him turning around to tell me he loves me . Everything really is going to be okay.)

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole),

Nikole si založila účet na OnlyFans a za peniaze zverejňuje svoje explicitné fotografie a videá. Fotí hore bez, ale robí aj videá šité na mieru konkrétnym želaniam ľudí. Pracuje aj ako kouč a ponúka kurzy s názvom "Ako sa odhaliť", kde svojim klientom radí, ako majú rozvíjať svoju vnútornú identitu. "Moja sexualita je neuveriteľne liečivá a posvätná. A keď dávam tento dar ľuďom, žehnám im. Som šťastnejšia ako kedykoľvek predtým," uzatvára 36-ročná Američanka.

Viac o téme: StriptérkaNikole MitchellFarárka
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