Sobota8. marec 2025, meniny má Alan, Alana, zajtra Františka

Tomuto sa povie naozajstná charita: Joshua mení bezdomovcov na nepoznanie!

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EXETER - Málokto sa odváži pomôcť špinavému človeku žijúcemu na ulici, inak nazývanému bezdomovec. Okoloidúci hodí do klobúka maximálne pár drobných. Kaderník Joshua Coombes (28) sa rozhodol pomôcť inak, a to veľmi nečakaným spôsobom.

Počas svojho výletu v New Yorku zažil určite mnoho zážitkov. Jeden veľký nápad si ale so sebou priniesol až domov do mesta Exeter. Videl tam totiž kaderníka, ktorý strihal a upravoval bezdomovcov. Prišlo mu to ako veľmi dobrá myšlienka a tak s tým začal hneď po návrate z výletu. "Dôvod prečo som toto začal robiť je, môj pobyt v New Yorku. Tam som videl chlapa, ktorý tento dobrý skutok vykonával. To bola moja naozajstná inšpirácia."

This is Paul, 54 years old. I found Paul sat down on The Strand, one of the busiest streets in Central London. I wandered how many people he must see walking by each day. As soon as I approached him he gave me a big smile and I knew I'd enjoy getting to know this man. Paul was born in Yorkshire, he's been homeless for the last five years. After working as a mechanic for the majority of his career in the north of England, he moved up to Scotland to enjoy the next chapter of his life. Unfortunately things didn't work out quite as easy as he'd thought. Paul struggled finding work and when the money he had saved ran out he could no longer pay his rent. This led him to his first night on the street. Paul told me he got a cheap bus down to London, mainly because of slightly warmer climates and a new experience. He's been on the street here for the last few months and is hoping for a break soon, to get back on his feet again and back to a life he once knew. Meeting Paul was an experience I won't forget. We sat down and shared stories for an hour after his haircut and I couldn't have felt happier in his company. I could feel his confidence had increased ten fold. I thanked him for spending his time with me and letting me help him, doing what I love ✂️ #DoSomethingForNothing

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes),

Joshua pracuje cez deň v normálnom salóne ako kaderník, po práci vychádza do ulíc a začína svoju druhú nepovinnú večernú zmenu. V začiatkoch za večer ostrihal maximálne dvoch ľudí. Teraz sa počet zvýšil a on sa snaží vyhovieť všetkým. Za noc zvládne upraviť aj sedem hláv.

This is Luke, 38. Luke has been homeless on the streets of Melbourne for six months. He used to work in logistics, doing the 9-5 like many others living their city lives here. Luke didn't get on with his boss and got the sack from his job for a difference in opinion one day. After trying to pick up any casual work he could in and around the city, it wasn't long before his pay check didn't match rent prices and that started this chapter in his life. Luke has no family here in Australia anymore after he lost his mother. His Father lives in New Zealand but they don't speak after an abusive relationship growing up. Luke's outlook on his current situation is so rational and positive. We chatted throughout the hair cut, he said - 'I look at this period as time to think for me, I actually feel like this will be a good thing one day' Luke taught himself how to make bracelets and necklaces to sell and told me he wakes up early each day and starts the day like he would at work with routine because he likes that. They are so intricate and amazing, I joked with him that he could probably plat hair way better than I can! If you see this handsome chap go and say hi. He told me I made his day with the haircut, he made mine. #DoSomethingForNothing

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes),

K svojej pouličnej práci si privolal kamaráta fotografa Matta Spracklena, ktorý Joshuovu prácu zachytáva na fotografiách. "Dnes sme upravili sedem ľudí, čo je naozaj skvelé. Ľudia chodili a než sme sa nazdali, stál tu zástup záujemcov na ostrihanie." Mladý muž svoje rozhodnutie odôvodňuje veľmi jasne: "Z môjho pohľadu ide o to, že mám potrebu niečo vrátiť tejto spoločnosti. Ďalším cieľom je zvýšiť povedomie o bezdomovcoch." Vidí ako sa pri čakaní, pokiaľ sa dostanú pod jeho šikovné ruky, ľudia začali rozprávať a spoznávať sa. Vytvoril im priestor na socializáciu. "Je ľahké dať peniaze na charitu, ale naozaj niečo spraviť pre tých, ktorý nemali toľko šťastia v živote je omnoho prínosnejšie."
Doposiaľ, Joshua a Matt navštívili niekoľko miest v Devone. Dúfajú, že nimi inšpirujú viacero ľudí k nezištnej pomoci. Ku zverejnením fotkám na svojom Instagrame vždy pridáva hashtag #dosomethingfornothing, ktorým vyzýva ľudí na dobré skutky. 

Viac o téme: BezdomovecKaderník
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